Ko-Fi Supporters



  • Cocam123

    I agree with the idea.
    On Discord by creating servers or creating bots (like me) we are content creators.

    So I agree with the idea of synchronizing Ko-fi to Discord

  • PKlempe

    Yeah, I would also appreciate this very much or at least give us the possibility to post notifications on our servers everytime someone makes a donation. Ko-Fi offers the option for sending messages to webhooks for this exact use case but sadly this won't work with Discord because of some technical aspects.

  • Nigel Ko-fi

    Hello Everyone! Nigel from Ko-fi here.

    We just launched our Ko-fi Discord integration! You can read about it here.

    You can connect your Discord server to Ko-fi here:

    You can use the integration to assign Roles and Invites.

    To post alerts of new Ko-fi's, some people have used our Zapier integration.

    Hope that helps!

  • PKlempe

    Hey Nigel Ko-fi.

    That's great news! Thank you very much for this.
    Are there any plans to also integrate alerts into your Discord bot sometime in the future? I've tried to achieve this with Zapier in the past, but I wasn't able to because their Webhooks integration is only for Pro members and I didn't want to add their bot to my server only for this. I basically ended up with integrating a web server into my own Discord bot which now posts the alerts it receives in a specific channel.


    Would be really great if your own bot could implement all of this.


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