Calendar Channels



  • Tvestra

    This would be the greatest addition to Discord they could possibly make.


    Yes please If i could add 1000+ upvotes I would.

  • Knight Artorias

    Upvote to show your support, this shit is fire

  • Travesty

    Great feature to add to Discord!

    So many gaming groups would benefit from this!

  • kprotato

    This would be brilliant!

    As well as configurable notifications for events for certain members who click 'attending' or the like, so that we can organize events without it slipping our members minds.

  • Pry

    Yes! Hello! Support people reading this, take this to your management asap. This needs to be implemented! :< 

  • Sinkiki

    I desperately want to have this in discord, in fact we would have already switched to guilded if discord wasn't so prevalently used since it has additional useful channel types like the calendar.

  • Shiloh Areles

    This really needs to be added. Discord was made with gamers in mind and not having a calendar seems odd. Lots of these games have guilds and coordinating in a calendar is something that's a must for me, and I assume many other people; especially guild or team leaders that need to set up schedules.


    I'm not sure how guilded's calendars work, but being able to add color coded categories for calendar events would be nice as well. I like organization and being able to keep things neat and tidy.

  • Rovin

    I agree with all of yall thats why i made this post. and i know there is google calender API's and integrations but thats more of a heaadache than its worth.

    There is alot more discord could and should do to make it a one horse rodeo for gamers. We have 300+ members in our community and tryinging to get more than a third of them to use anything outside of discord is like pulling teeth most days. having a calendar like such would be great for keeping everyone and getting everyone more involved. especially larger communities.

  • Derek

    Calendar it's really a Need for every organized community!!!
    Clan battle? event :D
    Raid? Event :D
    etc etc...

  • Luquee

    Please we need a calendar

  • Traumahawk

    Yes please! This would make event management so much easier and clean! Streamers could have their full schedule of events on Discord and community managers can share a month of events in advance with a simple click. Why wouldn't we have this feature?

  • Tanek

    A calendar channel would be a great addition. Right now I just link out to a google calendar page which is ok, but having it in there as a default feature with customizable permissions? Much better.

  • spiller

    Great feature to add to Discord!

  • upsilon

    I just googled calendar addin discord - and found this thread :(  one more upvote for a new feature

  • Traumahawk

    While it's not quite as clean as a regular calendar, and it is synced with GCalendar. This seems to be the best option outside of using Guilded, IMO.

  • Kaerralind

    Please we need this. The old Guilded bot for discord was amazing but guilded got too big for it's britches and now it's a seperate thing. I don't want to move our discord server to some weird clone just because of a calendar. Please Discord. Please hear us and give us a Calendar Channel.

  • Vall

    This would be a fantastic addition to discord.

  • biestibelzer

    This. Must. Happen. I set up a Server a couple of weeks ago, that is meant to be for a large group of university students and such a calendar feature would be insanely handy!

  • Encey

    Hey I need this! Especially for a server over 20 like organizing game events!

  • Care

    Upvoted! I'd love this in Discord, honestly - the bot solutions are okay at best - let's get Discord on board!!

  • Sailboat O'Doom


  • Morsimo Khan

    UPVOTED! Please Discord team! Get cracking on this.

  • krazyvictorian

    A calendar would be sooooo helpful

  • 噗哩噗


  • Jocii

    Underrated feature.


  • Aleron

    Our guild is looking to drop Discord and switch to Guilded for this reason and some others. It doesn't seem that Discord is very interested in adding a calendar. 

  • Icrana

    We need this!


  • Icrana

    We need this!


  • Tonberry

    I came to the feedback section literally to find a post like this. This is a needed feature. All of my gaming community friends say this. In fact, I've been seeing discord servers dropping lately to go and join Guilded. Please please please, at least announce you're working on this!!!


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