Fix the Manage Roles permission
This is not the same as the "Advanced Manage Roles Permission" post below, as that one talks about splitting up the permission into other roles.
On a server I help administrate, we have 50+ roles. We recently gave one of our users a role at the bottom of the list and toggled the 'Manage Roles' permission within said role. The permission clearly states that the user can create new roles and edit/delete roles BELOW THE CURRENT ROLE. In the attached image(, you can see that the 'Jakku' role is at the bottom, however when we toggle the Manage Roles permission on that role, said users were able to assign themselves roles 40+ roles above the 'Jakku' role. This caused one said user to assign themselves every role they could and create havoc to the point where I had to kick said user in order to reset their roles and fix everything. I filed a support ticket and they basically said that it was working as intended, which is stupid because it says one thing but does another completely different thing. At the very least, can we get some updated verbiage to correctly reflect what the permission ACTUALLY does?
And that is not okay, the role that has the manage roles should not have the ability to manage roles higher than that -1 -
sir it's not working
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