A Trash Bin for Those Deleted Roles and Channels on a server
This feature I'm suggesting would be pretty useful.
Now think about it. For example: You have a bot and let's say there is a ``!whois`` you made for that bot. You typed ``!whois`` and the prompt about your Discord information (such as when did you join to Discord, your User ID, etc.) appears in that channel. And after some time passes, you decided to remove that feature on that bot. And again some time passes and then you decided to add this stuff back to your bot, BUT what is that? The channel that you posted the command been removed, and you don't remember what was the prompt looked like!
Well, here is this suggestion goes in the action. Those deleted stuff like roles and channels, would go into something like trash bin on the server (**Server Settings** --> **Trash Bin**). And maybe make it so people with Administration permission or only server owners could make that trash bin or make a seperate role permission for that.
For addition to the suggestion: The channels/roles on that trash bin would be staying there for a limited time (like 2 weeks - 1 month) and those roles/channels would be deleted from the Trash Bin.
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