There is no way to REPORT users.
AnsweredToday, a turkish guy, claiming to be in a turkish cyber army, joined my greek server and filled all the text channels with thousands of messages saing things about my country and then he left. I havent offended his country or anything like that, he just probably saw that my server was greek (from its title in the server list) and he thought it would be mature and clever to join and do what he did. Also I can say that he kind of hacked the server because he somehow gained access to channels I only have access to (and he also called himself a hacker). After spending about half an hour deleting his messages I left only one in order for me to be able to find him and report him, but when I searched for the report thing (which is present at almost all online things) I didnt find anything. I havent deleted his last message yet hoping that I will one be able to report him... In case they may help, currently his name and tag are xMert#3474. Thanks.
Hey! Thanks for wanting to report a potential Terms of Service violation, but unfortunately, this site is not the correct place to do so. Before reporting, please read this article on how to correctly report users and/or servers properly: You can open a ticket here: 0
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