[QOL] Forums
Forums are an incredible tool but not executed very well. There is a severe lack of customization available to make them more fit for use:
-> Tagging should not cause an automatic following of posts
-> Ability to disable following of posts / ability to unfollow all posts
-> A more accessible search mechanic - being able to search specific forum threads using the discord search menu
-> Multiple pinned posts - useful for moderation posts
-> Reactions counting as interacting with the posts, would be better for suggestion forums
-> Ability to collapse followed posts, reduce side flooding
It'd be very nice if there was a quick way of scrolling up to the top of a forum post, though just having a better search for forum posts would help.
Also, not sure if there's a feature that allows just the OP of a forum post to pin messages within their post?
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Yes! A personal pin section would be so good!
Just think the whole thing would be better executed with better functionality :) We're desperate to use it for bug reports and suggestions but the developer gets absolutely harassed with tags and a forum would be more disruptive.
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