API For Setting User Volume


3 comentarios

  • Biblical History Skeptics

    Everyone has different mics and mic levels. I miss the feature that allows you to turn up individual mics up or down as needed

    Could we please go back to that feature?

  • lenincaslo

    I wish you could check that now by applying it on Oreo Tv

    Hope to see more of your contributions.

  • Kaijobu

    I really wish we could get something like this.

    The setting is already there. Please let us be able to access that via API. In these current times, various bots could really benefit to use this for proximity discussions while playing in any virtual space, closing in towards other people or distancing themselves. This being reflected in the perceived volumes would be amazing.

    Please let us be able to access that information and alter it.

    Edit: This post should probably appear under API not Text Channels. It wasn't easy to find and I didn't want to create a duplicate.


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