Bot Owner Program
As everyone knows that there is a program in Discord called 'Discord Partners' in which a socially famous person (youtuber / twitch streamer) or a famous community (reddit communities...) can get some sort of benefits for using Discord.
Although, they spend all their time on a different platform. They still get rewarded on Discord, even though he or she may not be active (in Discord).
While the Bot Owners, who put a lot of effort and spend hours-and-hours of work to create something unique in the platform, they do not get any rewards for it, they spend a lot of money as well just for the hosting and try their best to make the platform fun and safe but still don't get rewarded for it.
What could be done by Discord is, create a special program in which bot owners are rewarded in some manner or other.
The rewards would be based on how reputed the bot is in the discord community and as well as how many servers the bot is in.
The bot could be placed in a Tier System which depends on the number of servers the bot is in & the number of users using the bot.
Bot Owners could apply for the Program (similar to Discord Partners application), and a selected group of discord employees could go through the applications and assign the tier to the bot owner and give rewards based on the tier.
The rewards could be (based on the tier system):
Tier 1: Special Badge
Special badge for the bot owner
Tier 2: Vanity URL & Special Badge
Custom server invites for the bot support server
and much more.... ( i couldn't think of anymore .-.)
NOTE : There also must be certain criteria in order to apply (similar to Discord Partners) such as the bot needs to be in 1k+ guilds etc...
This could be done to appreciate the wonderful efforts made by the Bot Owners in order to keep the Discord community safe as well as fun.
Great idea, we need to appreciate the efforts made by the devs
6 -
I really love the idea, Discord bringing in something similar will inspire most of the discord bot developers which simply means Discord community gonna get better bots with unique ideas to make 100's and 1000's of communities a better moderated and fun place to be in.
2 -
Love the concept and idea 2 -
Yeah amazing devs need something back for example we have PaPí#0001 ok
2 -
That would be awesome !
Being a developer of several bots for French streamer communities with more than 5k of users (minimum per server).
The time spent on bots is phenomenal.
A recompense would be really appreciated. ♥1 -
Its just like Badge Farming... dont like this kind of idea :/ 0 -
Or at least have one for bigger bot developers to stop badge farming.
0 -
yeah why not but not with the tier stuff just a simple ppnew community program 0 -
Good idea but would be like badge farming, like earlier people above mentioned. Also there's so many bots out there that it would be a pain to give each dev a badge for it as well. 0
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