Moving Messages
RespondidaHey there Discord team! I've been involved in a nice amount of servers that like to stay organized including my own. I think a feature that would really help those servers is allowing a permission for admins to move a message. Say if someone were to post a self promotion message in #general, an admin can simply click on the message and move it to #contentpromotion where it'll clone the message to the desired channel and delete it from the original channel it was posted in. I know they can simply tell the poster, but they would have to delete it and have them re-post it. I think this would be very convenient and time saving. Thank you for your time! <3
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Hi there! This suggestion is the same as so in an effort to keep duplicates out and keep everything neat and tidy, we're going to merge this ticket into that suggestion. This ticket will be deleted automatically after a week.
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