Invisible Status Mutes the Notifications Your Friends Recieve



11 comentarios

  • Comentario oficial

    If you have a general question about Discord please contact our support team via or tweet us @discordapp. This website is specifically for new feature suggestions to add to Discord. As such, I'm closing out this ticket as invalid.

  • TheFutureKnight
    Invisible status shouldn't mute anything, this is either a bug. Or the person you needed was actually offline or has muted Discord.
  • depressed.exe

    It actually doesn't mute the notifications, your friends just ignoring you. Tough luck bud.

  • AlessaCat

    (To username depressed.exe:) Wrong. Read here where is says no dot on friends' screen:

  • AlessaCat

    (To username TheFutureKnight) They said they got no notifications and the only thing that changed was my status.

  • AlessaCat

    (To username depressed.exe) Far more likely it was a bug, don't assume you know my "friend." When they are much more than a "friend."

    I used friend as the term for on my friend list.

    Edit: I'm sure that's a possibility for others, and me if the "friend," was somebody else or another friend, but your comment on that possibility has no place here. It should be about the technical side of it. 

    Which means either a) a bug or b) one of his or my settings caused it. Or c) both.

  • TheFutureKnight

    Wasn't an assumptions, was a guess or you can call it an option.

  • AlessaCat

    TheFutureKnight, I edited to clarify who I was talking to. The assumptions comment was not to you.

  • TheFutureKnight

    Alright, btw I read the site you included and from what I saw...
    "Invisible - Displays you as offline to everyone else but you still receive desktop notifications and have full access to Discord. offline on your own screen, no dot on other users' screens (since you’re displayed as offline)." So where exactly does it say you don't get notifications?

  • AlessaCat

    TheFutureKnight, I read the dot as meaning for notifications because the invisible one still shows a dot as a status - it's just grey. But it's far more likely that they meant status dot now.

    Edit: In my hurry to find the issue that caused the lack of notifications, I searched as much as I could within a short amount of time, this was all I found on it muting notifications, as I misread anyway, since the status appeared to be the only change within that time.

  • AlessaCat

    When he comes online, I'll find out if it's something on his end or mine. If it's neither and a bug, where do I go?


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