HDR Screen Share
HDR Screen share would be a great feature to have for people with the appropriate monitors and hardware!
A vote from me for this!
And a vote from you would be appreciated!
Hi there,
This is already possible with a Nitro subscription. You can learn more about it here https://discordapp.com/nitro
Have a nice day!
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SyntaxPrime sadly HDR isn't supported for screen sharing. Discord Nitro allows you to screen share at max source quality. But sadly nothing when you have windows HDR option enabled.
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Hmm, I'll have to play around with that. From my understanding HDR is possible. I'll get back to you when I can.
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I would like to be able to share in HDR as well since trying to share with it on washes out many of my games in higher contrast. Xsplit easily allows this with a high contrast box I check.
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This is an issue on Mac as well, even sharing Chrome results in washed out pages
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Still no support here for HDR + Go Live. Really unfortunate. Is this on the Discord development roadmap?
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Over 1 year old, still got this issue.. still can’t use HDR and screen share...
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It would be nice if they fix this
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I'm having the same issue, when I attempt to screen share literally anything with Windows HDR on it creates an extremely washed out image to the people I'm streaming, looks awful. I think it's the Windows setting specifically because when I turn it off it seems to work.
I messed around with it a bit more and it looks like discord is streaming what my screen looks like if I turn HDR off in my monitor settings, but keep the Windows 10 HDR setting on, I hope that helps.
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Same issue. Washed out colors and very brigtht picture when sharing an application or my screen. Sometimes however, I can fix it, by turning of sharing and share it again. This just works when streaming the application not the screen/a window.
I am on a HDR10 monitor.2 -
Penguiin Are you sure you're "fixing it" when this happens, and not just accidentally disabling HDR?
I ask because I've had issues with Discord where after I start streaming a fullscreen application, something happens which makes the monitor no longer have HDR disabled (and actually, changes the refresh rate from 144hz to 82hz) and there's nothing I can do after that to set the monitor/HDR settings back besides reboot the entire machine.
You can check this by going to the graphics setting of a full-screen game, and see if the game changes your refresh rate or greys-out the HDR settings.
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Yo fronc , I am very sure that it does not disable HDR. I am on a 144Hz monitor as well.
Note, that I can fix it while in window mode and streaming MTG: Arena f.e. it does not work with full screen applications like CS:GO. My monitor also does not change the refreshrate.
Do you have "Prefer Max. refresh Rate" in the Nvidia settings enabled?
I also do not entirely blame discord. Windows 10 handles HDR so aweful. On every pc start I quickly have to disable / enable HDR, otherwise colors, whites and blacks are horrible. Looks like there is some kind of "milky" filter applied. Altough i always keep my full system up to date.
Also, other softwares like OBS have the same problems.1 -
Hello, I stream from discord but when others are watching it’s super bright but on my end it looks fine, anyone know how to fix?
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Long time hdr user, remmber hdr is automatically disabled as soon as you come out of full screen mode, besides discord just doesent have enough bandwidth to support it fully same as twitch. youtube offer this option no other platform does apart from consoles have it natively built but its not true hdr out putting a 1000 nits and i take it were all pc users here all other types software what claims to do it is tone mapping with luds ive been streaming hdr with obs like this for years,untill a beta version of shadowplay came out have install another driver its still very buggy alpha stage and from my tests i think that is tone mapping as well i spoke to a suit over on twitch and he said it would be a minimum of 5 years to implement hdr not to mention a shit ton of money and coded from ground up and that was 1 year half ago . shame my friends and viewers cant see the beatiful visuals of my oled hdr screen that it out puts as for discord implementation of this guy's i wouldent hold my breath !
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Hope fix for HDR in screen share
please Discord ...
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I second the request for HDR behaving in Screen share. Each time I screen share, classmates and friends all say that my screen flickers uncontrollable on their end until I disable it. This occurs on Microsoft Teams as well so I'm assuming its probably just difficult due to a higher data rate being needed to support HDR content.
Understandably, higher data rates that would be needed for HDR are expensive.
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Bruh, HDR is a simple buffer configuration and conversion problem between sRGB and HDR. How is this likely 1 line code change not yet implemented? In OpenGL, you just use GL_RGB32F or GL_RGBA32F when creating the buffer. Vulkan has its equivalent I'm sure as well as DirectX, whatever they are, but the fix shouldn't take more than a week to implement in theory, and that's being generous. Nitro source has to be pushing all those pixels of 4k and 8k now somehow... but of course, that's just a matter of how aggressively the lossy compression is applied (or lossless if it's good enough and efficient).
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This feature has been added as a Discord experiment, and will likely be added officially soon.
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@strawberrys how do we enable this experiment?
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Still waiting for this! Please accelerate rollout D: I'm already been looking into enabling experiments, but that's something I'd rather not do or risk.
HDR on discord is nearly unwatchable.
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Yes please tell us how to enable it. I really need HDR. With windows 11 everything is HDR for me nowadays.
And with my Samgsung G9 oddysey coming!! gonna be great but if my friends cant watch will be sad :(0 -
It's honestly pretty unacceptable that HDR has yet to be supported. THIS HAS BEEN YEARS. All my friends can't stand to watch my streams because it's always extremely washed out. PLEASE roll this out ASAP.
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Normally I'd gaslight a post like the one, but even windows 11 wants to force HDR on all with monitors and GPU's to handle it. In other posts above, people have shown a reverse engineering is easy. I don't liek to see discord mod software existing, but this is why the exist. I get Microsoft now owns this platform, but its seems really messed up that skype and teams products both support it and yet discord doesn't and won't.
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Discord isn't owned by Microsoft, there is no information to support that. They had a bid on it, Discord refused to sell for now.
Back to HDR, I came here to seek a solution and it looks like it's not on their roadmap since it's been a while.
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3 years and still no news on HDR.
It's a very (admittingly not product breaking as there is no proper competitor to discord, yet) annoyance having to turn off my HDR whenever I want to share content with friends on our Discord server.
Discord pls
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there is an option depending on hardware to stream to SDR. Since the issue is more so how Windows handles Input device transforms and Output device transforms when dealing with HDR. without nerding out over color profiles what i would suggest for now is disable HDR for streaming only. i have posted a screenshot showing the fast toggle in windows settings
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That's why we are asking for HDR to be added as support into discord.
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