What this article covers:
- What are Guilds?
- How to Create a Guild
- How to make Changes to your Guild
- How to Approve or Reject Applications
- How to Join a Guild
- Frequently Asked Questions
What are Guilds?
On Discord, a Guild is a small, exclusive server where people who regularly play games together collaborate, compete, and hang out. Guilds recruit members by application and provide their members with a sense of tight-knit community, support, and shared identity.
How to Create a Guild
This feature is currently an experiment and only available to a select number of servers.
You can either create a Guild from scratch by creating a brand new server or converting your current server into a Guild. If your server is currently in the experiment, you will see an option to convert your server as an in-app popup at the top-left of your app. Tap on Check it out to continue.
1. Choose the game(s) you and your Guild play together. You can also change this later if you want to add more games or edit the current ones.
2. Select the playstyle of your Guild. You can choose between the following:
- Very Casual
- Casual
- Hardcore
- Very Hardcore
3. (Optional) Choose the type of demographic you want to recruit to your Guild. Depending on the type of Guild you have, you can select ranks for a specific game, minimum ages, and more. Pick what best suits your Guild.
4. Tell people what your Guild talks about. Does everyone have a HUGE love of cheesecake? Does everyone listen to k-pop while gaming? Select at least 3 Traits for your Guild.
5. You can write the discovery description for your Guild. Focus on why someone should join and what your Guild offers. You can also describe your Guild in 3 words here too. Be creative!
6. Create a Guild tag and badge that members will wear all over Discord to rep your Guild. Your Guild tag can be a max of 4 characters. However it is not unique and multiple Guilds can have the same tag. Once you select a badge, you can change the color to either one of the preset color schemes or use the color picker to customize.
7. Customize your Guild brand even further by selecting a banner color scheme or using the eyedropper tool to pick 2 colors. You can also select the banner style and pick between the following:
- Night Sky
- Castle
- World Map
- Sea Foam
- Warp
- House
- Pulsar
- Mesh
- Spatter
8. Set up an application for users interested in joining your Guild. You can include questions like, “why do you want to join this Guild?” Or “what’s your favorite dinosaur and why?” You can choose to make the responses be a short paragraph, a long paragraph, or multiple choice. You must have at least one question set up to proceed.
9. Now you’re done! Sign the charter and your Guild is now created. Don’t forget to don your Guild tag!
How to make Changes to your Guild
1. Navigate to the Guild you want to make changes to.
2. Tap on the server name in the top-left and then tap on Server Settings and then navigate to the Guild Settings tab.
3. Here you can go through any of your Guild settings and make adjustments as needed. Once finished, tap on Save & Exit in the top-right corner.
How to Approve or Reject Applications
Once someone has submitted an application to your Guild, you can approve or reject their application. We recommend approving or rejecting your applications as soon as you can!
1. Navigate to the Guild you want to review applications for and tap on Member Applications. If you have any to review, you’ll also see a number indicator listed.
2. On this page, you can see any Pending, Approved, and Rejected applications. You can also make changes to the application as well.
3. If you want to learn more about the user that applied to your Guild you can tap on Start Interview to create a group chat with the user and any other admins in your Guild. This allows you to get to know one another more and see if the Guild is a right fit for them.
4. You can leave this tab anytime you are finished with reviewing applications.
How to Join a Guild
This feature is currently an experiment and only available to a select number of users.
There are 3 ways to join a Guild: Discovery tab, invite links, and guild tags.
If you tap on the Discovery tab in your Discord app, you can see a list of available Guilds that you can apply to join. You can also set different preferences depending on what you are looking for in a Guild. Once you find one you’d like to join, tap on the Guild and then fill out an application. You can join as many Guilds as you’d like!
Invite Link
Just like a server, an invite link can be created for a Guild to invite other users to join!
Guild Tag
If you see the option Join Waitlist for Guilds instead of Apply To Join, this means that you do not have access to the experiment. You can only join the waitlist once and joining does not guarantee access to the experiment.
If you see in a message or on someone’s profile a Guild you want to join, you can tap on the tag for the Guild and then tap on Apply To Join to pull up the application.
If your application has been approved, you’ll be added into that server for that Guild. If it’s been rejected, you’ll receive a notification stating so.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How can I stop being a Guild?
A: Tap on the drop-down for your Guild and then tap on Server Settings > Guild Settings. Under here you should see an option that says Disable Guild.
Q: How do I leave a Guild?
A: To leave a Guild, you have to leave the Guild server. Right-click on the server icon and tap on Leave Server. If you leave the server for the Guild, you will have to reapply in order to join again.
Q: How many Guilds can I join?
A: There is no limit to how many Guilds you can join, however, you can only have 1 Guild tag displayed at a time next to your username.
Q: My server isn’t a guild, but I see people with guild tags. Can I disable them from appearing on my server?
A: No. Only the individual member can disable/enable guild tags.
Q: Can I moderate guild tags in my server?
A: Yes, guild tags are subject to a server’s AutoMod rules. If a user displays a guild tag that violates an AutoMod rule, they will become quarantined and unable to display that guild tag.
Q: Can I have guests join my Guild to play games, without needing to join or apply?
A: Yes, you can send a Guest Voice Channel invite, and another person can use it to join your voice channel, without having to apply or become a member of the server. They will not be able to see any other channels in the Guild and will not be able to return to the server after disconnecting from the voice channel.
Q: Are tags limited to 4 characters? Are these characters restricted to being alphanumeric?
A: Yes, tags are limited to 4 characters. It is not alphanumeric, numbers and special characters are allowed. No emojis can be used.
Q: Are tags unique?
A: No, Guild tags are not locked to a specific Guild and anyone can use a tag as long as it fits within the requirements.