Amoled Dark Mode option
예정됨Similar to reddit mobiles amoled night mode, a full black UI theme which also helps battery life on oled screens
Amoled ♥️
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Fwiw, the difference in power consumption between dark gray and pure black on AMOLED is actually pretty minuscule. You save virtually the same amount of battery in either style of dark theme. -
I would love to see them implement this! Amoled dark mode would save my eyes a ton (regular dark mode already saves my precious eyes from the light but AMOLED would save my eyes a lot more!) and it saves battery (plus I love the look of it)
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I havealready released it. You can check Reddit for it.
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@.Unforgotten. that's like saying "I havealready released it. You can check Google for it.
Link it otherwise you're either bullshitting or know nobody else can find it
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Commenting for awareness!!!
I use discord probably upwards of 10 times a day between mostly my phone and also my computer. It has the 2nd most screen and background time in battery settings on my phone. Having a pure black mode would save so much battery pls discord I need
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please Discord team discord for phone would be perfect with this :O
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I'm hoping that they make this an option. That gray theme is still so bright.
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Commenting for awareness, AMOLED night mode is godlike on reddit and samsung apps
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Cmon discord if you did the flashbang theme then you can also do amoled dark theme
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A AMOLED theme for mobile already exists on Discord its called "pure evil" its hidden in discord files and only enabled for discord devs I tested it and its literally so good and fully themed Idk why they didn't bother releasing it yet...
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Commenting for awareness. This thread is 10 months old but it needs to be implemented. It would be beautiful.
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A Discord mobile AMOLED theme already exists in Discord files. It's called "Pure Evil" and you can actually get it by modifying Discord APK it's all done the devs just need to release it
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What’s the update on this???
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Seriously - Why not just use Substratum to Theme it AMOLED Black?
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@Shaggyskunk because not everyone can root? Like some phones don't allow it, or some people have work profiles preventing it, and some people can't because of Android 10 or warranty.
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@Bella I don't have Root on Snapdragon S9+ (it's not blocked by Samsung for using Substratum) & on my Snapdragon S10+ I'm using Substratum + Subs Lite + Synergy 😉
But I understand what you are saying & I'm only offering a possible solution for some... Having said that - Definitely it would be great if Discord had a native Black AMOLED option 🕊️0 -
This feature would be incredibly nice to have coming from an AMOLED user
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sounds awesome tbh
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Commenting for awareness. We amoled users (nearly every phone user by now) need this
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I would like this on PC as well too. Obviously most people don't have OLED displays for their computers but my laptop has one and it would be nice.
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Commenting for awareness, whatever good that will do since it's been almost a year
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BOYS IT'S COMING! AMOLED dark mode was just added to the latest Android Alpha build of discord!
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Discord for Android is getting an AMOLED dark mode, and I definitely want AMOLED dark mode for the iOS Discord app too!
It's better to have dark mode since my iPhone is upgraded to iOS 13 and Discord can remove the themes in the appearance settings and set your dark mode with the time schedule from your phone settings to Sunset to sunrise automatically.
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Commenting for awareness
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Be on Discord version 9.8.5 Click on Dark Mode 7 or 10 times and AMOLED will be there 😉
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Noooo I'm not seeing it @Shaggyskunk. And I'm updated. ಠಿ_ಠ
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What version of Discord? I had to Uninstall & Download it from apk mirror version 9.8.5 @Nomad Voxel
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It doesn't show up at all, pressing it multiple times does nothing.
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@Shaggyskunk, just vanilla discord from Google Play. 9.8.5.
Android 9.0, no root0
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