Bot Developer Badge & New Restrictions TURNAROUND
Niet-geplandAs many of you are aware, there have been recent announcements regarding the verified bot developer badge and its recent change. The change outlines how the "Verified Bot Developer" badge is being changed to "Early Verified Developer", and will NOT be given to those who verify their bots in the future.
Many people, including me who have been working hard on their bots, and putting lots of thought and time and effort into the bot have been affected by these changes as well as those who have been planning to work hard on bots.
In the statement, there were outlined fraudulent requests and apparently this is one of the factors why this change has been made. My question, and the question that has been raised by so many people is, just because other people have been trying to fraudulently get this badge, why effect the others?
Many believe that the badge is the ONLY MOTIVATION to making bots in Discord, as your profile is the way to show of badges, and as I outlined earlier, there have been many people including myself who have been putting lots of time and thought into their bot and are just days away to publicly releasing them.
I think, and others think that the amount of Discord Bots being created will decline rapidly as people lose motivation, so please bring the badge, AT LEAST until October 7th or for a few more weeks, as I know that Discord are trying to increase their community engagement, but this is a BAD move - you've been doing it well and giving us deadlines and telling us when things are happening such as the 2nd October, but we needed a date or warning about this as there are still many willing developers working hard out there who have missed out due to this unfortunate change.
All I, and members of the Discord Developers and the Bot Developing community on Discord ask for is to turnaround this change, and give us some warning - maybe a few weeks or until October 7th, and a little warning and transparency would be nice in the future.
Officiële opmerking
We don't have any plans to revive the verified developer profile badge. Remember, if your bot is verified, it still receives a special checkmark next to its BOT label in Discord so that users know it's a verified bot, so don't forget that folks will still see your bot's verified status!
Exactly, its the only motivation there is and disgraceful that they have done this.
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Honestly some transparency would’ve actually been nice. Wouldn’t be surprised that if they stick with this, apps will fall lol
Good idea Roo, let’s hope we hear about it!
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👍 Nice post! i like it..
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I worked so much on my bot. The badge was one of my motivations but now it's gone. I submitted my bot on one month ago and it is goind to be verified today i guess. So close to have it. I'm devastated
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> Many believe that the badge is the ONLY MOTIVATION to making bots in Discord
thats the whole point of doing this, so people doing it just for the badge don't do it.
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Not long ago, when I received a DM and was about to certify, I realized that the only means of authentication was my driver's license, resident registration card, and passport. So I was waiting for my passport to be issued. But this happened.
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webtax Yes I know, but that will limit it to a few people (I am still going to be working on my bot), but the amount of Developers out there working on bots will decline and there are many people who are/were working on really decent bots, but have missed out on the chance. Also, Discord want to give the community some transparency, and this is NOT the way to do it - they should have put a week deadline on it and/or given us at least a weeks notice. There are many really good developers who are annoyed out there, and why should the actions of some ruin it for others?
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I completely agree with you, there are a lot of bot developers who are making bots for Discord and the badge is giving them the motivation to do so. Just because there are malicious users trying to abuse the system doesn't mean that they should stop giving the badge and ruin the motivation for other users. They could've announced it a week or so before changing it to this, I get it, there would be a lot of people rushing to apply but at least it would be transparent. There are a lot of bad actors making videos on YouTube telling users on how to make fake servers and invite the bot to it, why doesn't Discord make it so if the bot is being added to guilds that have a lot of bots in the server and the ratio between the bots and the users in that guild? Discord currently does check for server owner but doesn't check for the member count, they'd probably get a lot less bad actors if they check for guild members too. I started working on the base of my Discord bot in late 2019, the whole client was mostly done, at that time there were only about 15 commands, I stopped working on it because I didn't get motivation to do so and because I was busy too. In late March, I started working on more commands and rewrote the client a bit, then the badge was released a few days later. That gave me motivated to work on the bot a lot more and make it better, I worked on about 350+ commands in the span of 4 months, the bot was just realized in July. Yesterday, the bot reached the guilds required to verify and I was going to verify the bot today but then I saw the announcement in DDevs.
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I started working on my Discord bot which will (hopefully) be public in the near future. The creation started early this year, and the badge has always been one of my main motivations, one of my others being to make the best bot I can, so the users which use it receive the best experience possible. And, although I will continue working on my bot, it is unfortunate that I can no longer receive the badge in return for my hard work which is going towards the community - at no cost.
Yes, there are people with fraudulent bots which get the badge. Within the application period, it could possibly be extended so Discord can run more checks and have more knowledge in regards to if the bot is fraudulent or not. One of my main points within this reply, is that there are still people that deserve the badge - there always will be.
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Yeah discord really need to change that, that's one of the biggest motivation
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Both my bots are verified but I will have to say, a few days or a week worth of notice would've been appreciated. Or at the very least until the October deadline. There are so many people who're in distraught by this prompt decision. I would appreciate it if the team would allow the fellow developers a few more days.
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I think need to give at least DM and e-mail recipients a chance.
Because DM contains the contents of the badge.5 -
oh nooooooooooooooooooo
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everyone is blowing this out of proportion I stand with discord and I support the decision
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I'm absolutely agree with youMy bot was ready to use the form for the verified bot and i was doing the form, but seems that my passport have expired and that's the only way i was able to verify myself. I contacted the support and they said to wait until you will get a new card for verify your identity, and this happened.
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I can see both ways like it would’ve been nice if they gave like a week notice but I don't think they'd likely revert it now since they've changed it and it makes it more special for those that have it currently. Also, if you were Mason and saw this would you not be less likely to revert it since it just proves more that people were mainly doing it for the badge?
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you are absolutely right
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I really agree with your opinion, it needs to be extended a little longer, it was a very quick decision, everyone is in a miserable
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just saying you want it to go back is showing that all you want is the Badge discord did the right thing
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how does a badge that does and gives you literally nothing, give you "motivation" to spend hours learning a language and coding a bot. But that's not whats happening here, many who want the badge don't learn the language they want to code in, they just search up some outdated tutorial and start copy pasting some code or some use BDFD to make a bot "easily".
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yeah all they want the badge for is to look "cool"
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I understand that there might be a number of people who're doing this just by copy-pasting or watching tutorials but there are also many people who had just met the requirements like a few hours before this update.
I am not saying I'm against Discord, it's always nice to have things like these become more exclusive and only be given to people who have actually worked their months and years into creating their bots. I see both sides and I agree with both sides, my only point was this could've been handled a tiny bit slower than how it happened by changing it within a couple of hours of the notice.
I love Discord, it has truly changed my life and I respect the team's decision. Peace everyone, keep working hard, if you enjoy your craft, a badge shouldn't stop you from working harder.
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I will have to agree. It is nice to have an "Early" Verified Bot Developer badge, because it makes people feel very special to be one of the early ones. This announcement was given without any warning yesterday. However, many people including me haven't had the chance to get our bots verified yet. It makes us feel left out :(
I love Discord a lot and I hope to see this changed in the future.
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@everyone UPVOTE!
October 7 is a great day to have this "Early" badge, because it's when bots will HAVE to be verified to get in 100+ servers.
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I've been putting my heart and soul into making my bot, probably already spent over 100 hours into developing it.
Getting the badge was a big motivation (Though obviously not the only one) to do this. My bot is currently in 25 servers and is close to getting verified in 4 bot list websites. If this change would have been made like a week or 2 later I'd still have gotten the badge.
Also if I had been advertising more (Which I don't like doing) then I probably would have gotten it too, all I needed was some more servers.
I just wish they'd have announced it sooner or extend the date until October 7th.
It almost feels like an elementary school mindset where they say: "So a few people haven't been behaving well, so now everyone is getting a punishment".Again I know that its not the only motivation and it shouldn't be, but it makes people like me feel completely left out.
I see people saying the badge is just for looking cool and it shouldn't be any source of motivation for anyone but I think that's not right. If I want to make a custom bot for someone, it would help a lot if I can show that I am indeed a verified developer just by showing my profile.14 -
I agree. The badge should be brought back. If I may add on to this post: if Discord detects that there is a fraudulent submission, the badge will not be awarded to that person.
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I just finished my bot today, and then I saw the news and I feel unmotivated. I think they should give the badge to people who make the bots, if they're doing it just for the badge, well they went through the effort of coding then they deserve the badge. There must be a way for them to check if a blank bot was paid to put into a bunch of fake servers. I also completely agree with Sammy.
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I rather have everyone being able to obtain a badge or completely revoking it off people's profile. It doesn't sound fair that the people who forced themselves to get these badges under conditions where they are not really deemed to be proper developers, but are now unique compared to the upcoming developers who worked damn hard to learn, to be inspired and to create a bot and to keep the sustained and constant effort for the past few months. It's obvious that this change will affect both parties (Users and Discord) and I completely understand Discord's take upon this but honestly, keeping the badge is a no-no.8 -
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