Please allow verified giveaway bots to offer server requirement functionality again.
Niet-geplandToday, I noticed that giveaway bots are no longer allowed to provide functionality that requires you to have joined a server in order to enter a giveaway, after the developers of Santa Moon (formerly Santa Wumpus) were forced to remove it from the bot, the reason being that it's considered advertising. However, I disagree wholly with this assertation, given that it's not the bot's developers rewarding its users for joining a server, but rather the giveaway's host. Imagine what would happen if the bot wasn't there; to put it simply, the manual giveaway's host would've chosen a winner after ensuring they were in the required server(s) themselves. There's nothing bad with that, so why would it be bad if a bot was used to automate the more difficult parts of the process? The reward is still provided by the host, the bot just picks the winner. Therefore, I'm suggesting re-allowing giveaway bots to provide a server requirement feature, because, currently, multiple server requirements for a single giveaway are essentially impossible to automate.
Officiële opmerking
Requiring users to join a specific server to qualify for a giveaway is typically used as an advertising or spam technique, which is why we've prevented verified bots from offering this functionality. Facilitating advertising, including server advertising, using the Discord API is prohibited under the Discord Developer Policy. You can learn more here:
And if you'd like to more about our stance on join 4 join, invite rewards, and other server advertising techniques, please see the spam section of our Safety Center here: -
I suggest waiting or contacting Discord about that; this thread is for a different topic.
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I completely agree, when this was put out it severely affected my server! Discord by doing this is reducing how much money they can make. There's hundreds of nitro based giveaway servers that use this bot functionality and its the reason why they are able to operate, taking the functionality away from bots reduces the amount of these servers which reduces Discords amount of income. If they want to throw missiles at the bank, then so be it!
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I think they have provided an update since I made this post, so it will most likely never be allowed again.
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Can you send a link?
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I don't think they will allow it again..
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I 100% agree with Discord. I find Giveaways with server requirements annoying and desperate. If your server has been largly effected by this, then maybe you should consider changing the way your server works and grows. At the end of the day, it is like paying someone to join your server. On top of that your server will be inactive after the giveaway ends, and is going to experience a large wave of members leaving.
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Whatever advertising there was before hasn't stopped. I reminded a DM from a VERIFIED "Giveaway Manager" bot (full tag: Giveaway Manager#2031) saying that I won a giveaway for 14 free Boosts and that all I had to do was invite it to my server. So I did, and after that, I got the same DM again, then got the following DM later:
Hey @aykrivwassup, you have won **$10 Nitro** hosted in **E-Girls**
Please join and message **[USERNAME REDACTED]** to claim your reward!
[SERVER LINK]I've censored the message for privacy's sake but aside from that that's what it said. I thought it was harmless and even joined the server, though I procrastinated on the DM. However, my server's other members eventually started getting these DMs too. So I kicked it from my own server.
tl;dr: this isn't a solution; others have found a way around your intentions
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