How do you mute a entire text channel for the entire server

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Комментариев: 5

  • Официальный комментарий
    Dabbit Prime

    If you have a general question about Discord please contact our support team via or tweet us @discordapp. This website is specifically for new feature suggestions to add to Discord. As such, I'm closing out this ticket as invalid.


    I'd say take away the posting permissions for roles on that channel, if mute means no one should be able to post in that channel. No idea if there are other/easier ways.

  • Underscore

    The only way I know is to remove permissions froms roles.
    But maybe an option "mute the channel" would be better ^^


    @Modérator you do mean from role permissions of the channel itself, right?
    Not the role permissions from roles in the server in general.
    It does work, but I don't have a server with 20 roles so I can imagine it would a be a pain for many others.
    In that case a general mute-setting to disable any post permissions for all roles to a specific channel would be better.
    You can always manually turn some back on.


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