One time purchase Permanent Server Boosts
From what I understand our purchase of server boosts is only a temporary buff to the server. If we cancel the boosting sub, that server loses their boost and their boosted level goes down and they lose the benefits of having been boosted. If I am correct, then I suggest Discord implements an option to buy a permanent 1 time boost x however many boosts a person wants for the server of their choice to get their boost levels. If that server dies, the permanent boosts will just die with it. As it is a permanent boost to that server, people can not cancel it or transfer it to whatever new server they like better. I don't like the idea if I boost my server 11x in one month, I will be charged each month 11 boosts to keep doing this for that server plus my nitro sub. If I want to boost a server, I just want to make my choice one time to help them out in achieving their goals so they get the perks and I want them to be able to keep that perk as I paid for it already.I think as long as the server is paying for their own Nitro sub, that should be more than adequate to keep any boosts donated to their server. And if money is an issue: Give them an option pay the cheaper sub (like ours for $9.99/mo) to have boosts only until the user cancels their boosts, and an option make server owners pay a little more like $14.99/mo monthly sub so they can keep all nitro boosts permanently that get donated to the server.
In my opinion, Discord designed boosts to be given by the community. People would abuse the ability for a one-time permanent purchase of boosts to make their server better with the nitro advantages to it. If your community is strong enough you should not have to be worried about this, because the community would support you through boosting themselves. It is a community focused ability to boost, the owner should not abuse it with one-time purchases, and it should stay the community's decisions whether they want to boost or not.
-54 -
MilSci is completely right;
-60 -
Yes. We need permanent server boosts
64 -
The advertising is deceptively misleading, likely by design.
I've been a Nitro sub since July, thinking I would be getting 2 boosts a month towards my server. Not so. I finally do some research today after not seeing further boosts -- only to find out, it's this ridiculous scheme.
So costs vs. perks. Definitely not worth it. IMO. Don't give me the community argument; it's dumb.
45 -
The advertising is perfectly fine. You get 2 FREE (you don't have to pay the subscription) boosts for the duration of your subscription.
-39 -
Weak, unrelated argument.
18 -
Yeah... dunno what dumbasses are arguing to pay more money for less. I mean if u want, discord could give us permanent boosts and the money u save u can send to me :) dm me about it. Also, a server owner cant boost themselves to max level to "'make the server better" because that costs like 80 bucks and because truthy nobody cares about the boost levels. Of course it is incredible disappointing when me and my friends are exploring the level one perks and looking forward to getting level two, and i get a notification saying the boosts go away in 3 days. I agree, the advertising is misleading.
22 -
All y'all gettin' mad about the server boosts not being permanent...
Do you get mad when Netflix doesn't give you more streaming content than other subscribers for being subscribed for longer..? It's the same principal. This is one way Discord makes money for their platform instead of shoving ads down your throat, while also giving you free stuff. If you don't like that, fine, don't subscribe. Honestly, I think it's a great way to give back to a FREE platform I and countless others enjoy and utilize almost every day of my life.Could the advertising for the subscription be worded differently so that it is more obvious that the Boosts wear off? Yes.
Is this marketed towards gamers who should understand that a "boost" is generally temporary? ... I'm gonna go ahead and say yes. (Jeez, can you imagine if getting an invulnerability star boost in Mario Kart was permanent..?)
[Edit: Clarification of netflix "subscribers"]
-37 -
Save us the sop story, it's a paid service. Your "boost" verbiage argument is irrelevant, and the Netflix analogy a false equivalency; see above regarding server levels. This was already discussed.
I think I'm un-subbing just because of the white knights in this post.
13 -
I agree, we need permanent boost like the free ones they give when you sign up. And I believe the server should not lose their perks because there are small communities who DO NOT HAVE NITRO and who JUST STARTED using discord.
For example: my girl friends Nail Tech Discord is
And we just got to level 3.
Even tho Discord is for gaming, we are making new clients and people interested in Nails that they just want to talk because they are not into buying Nitro. Only a select few are, but these people will eventually stop using Discord Nitro after their trial ended and what then? My girlfriends awesome / growing discord is going to get penalized for nothing?
Discord has the potential to bring in people that is more than just gaming. We get new people signing up everyday to just join her server.
If this is discord’s way on trying to be EA and dry out out pockets, discord will probably die out and just stick to one marketplace.
They HAVE to implement permanent Server benefits because that is simply not fair for those who simply can’t afford it.
They have to do something before 2020 ends, this is outrageous21 -
Permanent Server Benefits!!!
We need permanent Server Benefits! This is true for SMALLER COMMUNITIES WHO CAN NOT AFFORD IT. This excludes us and makes us feel left out and eventually the server will be too bland and die out because smaller communities who just started will die out if this is not implemented.
I ALSO discord has the potential to attract other fields other than gaming because there are art chats, music chats, fashion chats, it’s not only about Gaming.
I also believe discord can have more levels and more benefits too, like Server Gif profile pics are awesome, what about Gif Banners?!
Not every community is willing to go for nitro, only a few, but don’t penalize the server! Let us keep the benefits, we paid for it once and that’s it, I don’t know why we need to keep paying. Doesn’t make sense, this needs to be fixed before 2020 ends or discord will be super boring before 2021 arrives20 -
totally agree with everyone who says we need a PERMANENT SERVER BENEFITS! My brother does not use the codes for Xbox but I do, so my trial is about to end and I do not want the server I created with my friends to die out. We might as well go back to using What'sApp or revive Kik. HOWEVER, if you guys give out 2 free boost, at least have one of the boost be permanent and the other boost temporary. I still want to show my devotion to my own server and I believe other people would want to show support for their favorite creators as well.
This will actually be the best Christmas present you can give to us ALL.
19 -
Smaller servers need the proper attention as well! How do you expect communities to grow if you have limited BASIC perks.
We need to #SAVETHESERVERS have permanent boost because especially with COVID-19, buying NITRO and BOOST is the LAST thing people are worried about right now. If they implement this, then Discord will definitely expand more because a lot more people are signing up daily to use it other than gaming and it's a miracle!
8 -
Nitro/Boost PR on pricing model is deceptive and misleading to the customer, implying permanence when none exists
17 -
I think you people are being way overdramatic. It was instantly obvious to me that it would only last for the duration of your nitro. However I definitely would like to see some kind of longer lasting or permanent benefits. Even if you get 2 months of your server being boosted instead of just 1, that would be a lot cooler. Stop with the extreme capital letters and hashtags when its just because you can't read or do a tiny bit of research before you spend money.
-13 -
"You people"?
3 -
Yes, "you people". Aimed at all the people ranting about bad advertising when in reality they just spend money without the ability to read or do a bit of research. What else would I mean? Or was that as unclear as the supposed bad advertising?
-21 -
And like I said, I really do think there should be some permanent benefits if you do buy or use server boosts instead of having to constantly buy them, but in no way should it be their fault that people were too stupid to realise that. Even just letting us keep a few of the benefits would be great. However, you have to remember that Discord is free and has no advertising, so this is a big part of how they will be able to pay for the millions of people that use the program to keep using it. It is not free for them to run it.
-8 -
There is no point in paying for a server as a private server owner, it costs around 50$ to get the server level to level 2, n once u stop paying u’ll be loosing all your perks. I get what people say that the platform is for free so they have to get cash from somewhere to survive. But if they want private small communities to survive then the price need to drop really much for people to see that its worth it. Whats better, big communities paying alot but only a few, or much cheaper price and have all paying for the servers n not only big communities. There was no info in that u will loose ur perks once ur subscriptions ends so yes ill report discord for it n never ever pay to boost my server unless they fix a permenant solution. Think what u want but trust me, discord would make much more money this way, plus people would have more servers then just one this way peace out
-3 -
Well, my server is a great community but nobody got nitro
19 -
TJ @ me you 5’0 maggot, how dumb do you sound. The people using caps & hashtags are saying exactly what you are about server benefits.
The advertisement is truly misleading.
However, you clearly have more negative in all your comments, so don’t even bother typing a single world.0 -
Discord Nitro is a scam, it’s the people inside the server that truly matters.
Nitro < The People1 -
I strongly agree. When we pay for Nitro, we're always giving them some source of income. They also make money off of purchases to unlock certain things outside of server boosting. The advertising could stand to be a lot better because a lot of specifics are left out. Certain rewards when unlocked should remain unlocked without cost. This recursive paying for boosts just to keep levels up is absurd. In fact, it's discouraging of upgrading to higher levels because it cost so much to maintain especially in smaller communities that are non-profit organizations. I have found that many, many servers out there don't even bother to upgrade to level 2 because they know this recursive payment system is just a way to scalp a lot of money from new and already loyal customers.
This needs to be changed to be more customer friendly with permanently unlocked perks. In the long run they would make more money than trying to squeeze money out of recursive payments to sustain their business model. We already pay for Nitro and other things anyways so it's not like Discord isn't getting enough money to sustain their business. When I came to discord I had no idea things actually worked like they do, but I was unpleasantly surprised after I found out how things actually worked and how deceptive the advertising is.
Whatever the case and points may be, this subscriptions and perks design / implementation needs to be more consumer friendly because it's discouraging to upgrade or level up.
9 -
To solve that `Community argument` I think the Community should give the permanent boosts, not the Owner.
But they should be permanent. E.g. you buy one for $10 and then can donate it to a Server of your choice.
Or you could do that only people with a Nitro Subscription can buy additional Permanent Boost, but if the Nitro Subscribtion ends, the boost stays11 -
I was about to purchase the the Server Booster but after doing a research on how does the Booster works, and here i am. Now i lost my interest for purchasing the booster after knowing that it won't stay permanently. Because my server is just a small community with only 200 Peoples on it. The only reason why i want to purchase the Server Booster because it increased the Emoji slots to +50 and Share Screen with High Quality as for Booster lv2 perks which sounds like a good deal for my server.
3 -
I don't think you fellow Discord users understand how Discord makes money.
If boosts were to be permanent, Discord would legit eventually go bankrupt. If the company isn't using advertisement, this is another alternative. Although, popwesa, I'm happy you did your research before paying for the subscription, it is definitely not Discord's problem that you personally think it is a scam or whatever.
If people believe that Discord should add permanent boosts for the sake of smaller communities, that makes no sense. Since Discord boosts are meant to be given by community members, server owners shouldn't be the ones having to invest all of their money for T3 boosting. T3 comes from more server boosters. More server boosters come from more members; It's just how it works. As a community server gets larger, it gets the ability to have more perks.
Especially if Discord is ever planning on going public or becoming a bigger franchise, permanent boosting and perks aren't the way to go. Back to the Netflix example, imagine how much money Netflix would lose if they were a 'pay once' subscription? I think some people forget that Discord isn't just a small business anymore.
Maybe Discord does need to fix their marketing to be more clear, but permanent boosting isn't the way to go: at least for the companies sake.
1 -
This morning I filed a report against Discord, Inc. of San Francisco with the Better Business Bureau for misleading or confusing claims about the product and price gouging as a result specific to their Nitro subscription service.
2 -
For all you people complaining that small discords are going to "die" or whatever because they don't have the server perks that big discords can get from users... really, guys? Not having perks is killing your small server? You're kidding, right? Y'all realize that all you're getting is barely noticeable upgrades to Audio quality, barely noticeable upgrades to Go Live streams, and server cosmetics like more Emojis and animated server icons and stuff, right? If you're a small community, you're not going to be affected by any of this in any meaningful way. It's not killing you. Even a big server doesn't need any of this. (Oh, and if you want to see what perk levels do what, you can click here)
I could see complaining about this if the base (free, level 0) Audio Quality and Go Live streaming were deficient, but I can say with certainty that the streaming quality and audio performance of unboosted servers compared to the "boosted" quality of Level 1 or even Level 2 perk servers is negligeable to the point that I and those I frequent Discord servers with don't even discern a difference.
It sounds like this argument has devolved from talking about value down all the way to a "Well they don't express well enough that server boosts wear off!" ...and honestly, I think you're right. I can make language arguments all day about how "boost" implies temporary or whatever, but at the end of the day, the wording is not sufficient, so those of you who have chosen that particular hill to die on, cool; you win. does not provide adequate verbage, imho. Instead of repeating that over and over and calling the feds, let me suggest that "Boosts" become "Monthly Boosts" instead. That would make it obvious that these boosts only last a month.
At the end of the day, I don't care whether or not paying for Nitro is "worth it" for the extra features. In fact, I'm kind of against it being "worth it" in the way that many people want it to be. Discord is already worth $9.99 a month to me, and it's provided to me for free. I subscribe for Nitro so that no one has to deal with ads on their servers ever and so that everyone can continue to use the software for freeeeeeee. The more Nitro is incentivised, the fewer free features there will be when compared with it.
In summation, DO buy Nitro if A: You have the disposable income, and B: want to help support Discord monetarily. DO NOT buy Nitro if A: You do not have the disposable income, or B: are doing it to get cool features that free users don't get the privilege of having.0 -
People who support permanent boosting answer this question: Where do you expect Discord to get their money?
-4 -
You're asking the wrong question. You can think more deeply than that, come on.
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