Discord Nitro Student Discount
As a freshman college student, I think I would greatly benefit colleges, Discord, and students if there was a student discount for various student packages. Not only is my current dorm building using Discord for RA stuff, even various professors are thinking about making discord servers for class stuff. Especially during the pandemic with many colleges all online and many soon to follow suit, I think it would greatly benefit every party involved if Discord offered discounts or something at either the institutional level to the college or to professors as something like a learning package where he can give his students a limited amount of codes or something for discounted Nitro.
I'm in! This subthread deserves an upvote for me.
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I'm done with college but you get my vote cause I was poor af then (thankfully nitro wasn't a thing then so I wasn't missing out on anything)
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Great idea!
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I fully agree
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Why is its use in an educational environment relevant? Spotify has nothing to do with education either and the price is the same as Nitro, and they have a student plan with a 50% discount.
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Eqi: Most of my classes have formed informal discord servers because of how tricky relying on platforms like Moodle and Zoom are. It would only help Discord's huge growth pattern to market to students.
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There is already an older post for this - https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/360050518811-discord-nitro-students
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This would certainly improve the affordability of Nitro as students are typically on a tight budget!
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Nitro is of no diffrence when it comes to education. Additionally its £5 a month for classic which even then would give you the "essentialls"
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I am the "nice" upvote here, and I support this post.
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I don't think it will ever happen even though I hop it does because someone asked back in 2018 and discord respond no but they will think about it and still nothing happened.
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Just a valid school email and verification, this should be a thing. Adobe, YouTube, Spotify, Duolingo are a few ones I can name that offer discounts to students as long as they're currently enrolled in case of proof requirement.
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