Discord Nitro for an entire server


5 條評論

  • SnowFlake
    Such feature would be impossible to implement and have to many exploits leaving discord and the developers of the game taking the hit while giving many people free games, plus even if it was implementable the money loss would be too great, discord would either bankrupt or developers would take their games off. Sadly I really don't see any advantages on trying to do this but either lose games or discord itself.
  • Zacatero
    Speaking from a technical perspective, this doesnt seem possible when you consider how easy it is to join/leave servers
  • Hurtz

    I'm not sure what the point of most of these.

  • BlondeBunny69

    Id be happy with just having classic nitro for my server i mean to me that does make sense as far as options go... they charge too much for nitro in the end run for you to only have urself to enjoy it my members say its too expensive and it is

  • BlondeBunny69

    Wouldnt be so bad if the price was for my members to have classic nitro as long as they were part of my discord

