While it may seem like this article focuses on turning someone into a tasty dried foodstuff, Discord's pruning functions a little differently.
Pruning In this sense refers to kicking stale users who haven't even logged in to your server in a set amount of time. Instead of policing each member individually, you can mass kick every user that hasn't been online in a certain amount of time. Check it out:
1. Select the Server Settings for the specific server you'd like to prune.
2. In the Members tab, you'll find the whole list of members within your server- and their roles. you'll also find the Prune option.
3. Select how the threshold for last activity you'd to prune members for. You can currently choose between 1 day, 7 days, and 30 days. Fun fact: Discord will show you how many members will be pruned when you select each option at the bottom of the prune window.
Keep your servers clean and up to date with the pruning tool. We're not responsible for accidentally kicking your friends, though!