This feature is gradually rolling out! This feature is gradually rolling out!
Note: If you’re an admin looking to learn more about how to use this feature, check out the Connections & Linked Roles: Admins article.
Looking to learn more about how to connect external accounts and verify these accounts for certain roles? Look no further! We boosted Connections for Discord users and developers: Show off even more details from your connected accounts, and gain new Linked Roles that can grant access to special channels within a server. We built Connections and Linked Roles to make users and communities safer on Discord.
What does this article cover?
- Setting up your Connections & Connection Details
- Connection Details on Profile
- Linked Roles in Servers
- Frequently Asked Questions
Setting up your Connections & Connection Details
You will be able to find a tab in your User Settings labeled Connections. This tab will allow you to add, remove, and manage all of your connections.
Some connections have Connection details, for example: Steam. We will be adding Connection details for more Connections moving forward as we gather user feedback. Once connected, you can learn which have connection details from the Connections tab in your user settings.
If you already have Connections setup for these accounts, you will need to re-connect the account in order for Discord to get Connection details. You can re-connect by going through the “Add accounts to your profile” flow at the top.
You can also add a new Connection with Connection details by going through the same “Add accounts to your profile” flow.
If you want these Connection details to display publicly on your profile, you can toggle “Display details on profile”.
The Connections page in your User Settings
Connection Details on Profile
Once you have verified your accounts, you will be able to view your Connection details on your profile.
You can also view Connection details on other users’ profiles if they’ve set them up.
How Connections look in your profile
You will be able to view a shortened list of Connection details on users’ profile popouts (profile popout can be reached by clicking a user’s name or icon from chat). If this is a channel with a Linked Role, you will see the connections that are relevant to the role. For example, if the Steam Gamer linked role requires the Steam connection to access, it will be shown in the Linked Roles modal. Once you’ve connected to your Steam account, and been granted the Steam Gamer linked role, you will be notified of the channels/spaces you now have access to within the server.
A Reddit Mod Linked Role and Connection details for Reddit displayed in user profile
Linked Roles in Servers
Some servers may have channels gated with a Linked Role. Admins may require certain Connection details in order to get that role - for example, a Twitter account older than 10 days.
In order to gain the role and therefore access to the channel, you will need to verify your Connection details. To do so, you can go to the Server menu dropdown > Linked Roles.
Linked Roles in Server Settings dropdown.
A list of available Linked Roles in a server with icons to Connections that must be made to get access
The necessary Connections to have in order to receive this Linked Role
When you are in a Linked Roles’-gated channel, you will see a tag next to your username that lets other members know that you have the role. This is called the Linked Role Tag.
You can click on the tag to view what checks the admins require on users’ Connection details in order to enter the Connections-gated channel.
Example of what Connections are required for this Linked Role
Finally, we’ve extended connection capabilities to apps (beyond the ones you see in User Settings > Connections). Admins can add apps to their server with these capabilities and may decide that you need to connect with them to be granted a particular linked role in the server. Developers can add connection capabilities for their own apps. See more in the API documentation here.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How many third party accounts can I connect to my Discord account?
A: You can connect as many third party accounts as you want.
Q: There’s an account connection I want to have, but the connection isn’t available as an option. Can I create my own connection / app with connection capabilities?
A: Yes, we opened up an API for all developers to build any app with connection capabilities. With your new app with connection capabilities, you can talk to your server admins to create a Linked Role based on it.
Q: Will I lose my access to a Linked Role-gated channel if I remove the connected account?
A: Yes.
Q: What kind of information does Discord collect when I connect my accounts?
A: This varies depending on the account. When you go through the connection flow, you will see a modal which lists what information Discord is collecting from the account. This will be stored securely within our databases, and will never be shared externally with third-parties without your explicit permission.
Q: Does removing the account from Connections revoke Discord’s access to my information?
A: Yes. This revokes Discord’s access to the account moving forward, AND permanently deletes any information that we collected from our records.
Q: Will Connections information carry over across different accounts if I use Account Switcher?
A: No. You need to re-add the Connection to a different account if you switch accounts.
Scam Protection
Q: How can you tell if another user with Connections visible on their profile card is not a fake account?
A: We do a few things to prevent fake accounts from using Connections to falsely verify themselves:
- A Connection can only be added to other Discord accounts after a certain period of time. This prevents bad actors from using one social media account to verify a bunch of fake profiles.
- Discord account details (account age, age in server) are now available to user profiles alongside the new Connection details. You can use these details to make your own determination about whether this is an account that the user is invested in, or if the account is fake.
- Adding Connections helps verify your account further. In order to add a Connection, you have to have the correct login and authenticate through any security protocols on the third party website.
Profile Visibility
Q: Who can view Connection details on my profile?
A: Any user can view Connection details in your profile if you’ve selected to display them on your profile (from the Connections tab in User Settings).
Q: Which 3rd party App Connections are available today?
A: Jefit, Bloxlink, Solana, DeviantArt, Charlemagne,
Q: How can I see what my profile card looks like in a community server that I’m a member of?
A: You can view your profile from anywhere in a server (you can click your icon in a channel or by clicking your username in the member list to the right).
Q: Does Connection visibility change depending on which server I am participating in?
A: You can see your Connections on all servers. However, Connection details are only visible in the beta servers.
Q: How do I change the visibility of my Connections?
A: In your Connections user settings, select the Connection you want to modify and toggle off “display details on profile”. Other members of the server will still be able to see that you are verified with that Connection, but your personal information associated with that Connection will not be visible. You can also hide the connection completely by toggling off “display on profile”.
Setting up Connections
Q: Do I need Nitro to have Connection details?
A: No, your Nitro status does not impact your ability to add Connections or Connection details.
Q: I’ve added a payment provider account to Connections, but why am I still not being verified?
A:Go to your other payment provider account and confirm that you have a valid bank account on file as a form of payment. Having just a credit card or debit card on file will not qualify you for the “verified” status.
Q: I’m eligible for a role in my server, but I still don’t have access - how do I get access?
A: If you have an eligible Connection which passes the requirements for the role, you’ll need to opt-in to the role by going to the gated channel in the server and clicking to join.
Q: How do I set up my Connections if I’m on mobile?
A: Currently as a user you can view your Connections and add Connections on mobile. However, you will need to be on desktop in order to opt-in for the role by going to the gated channel. You will only need to go through the desktop connection flow once to be granted the role, and then you can view the gated channel moving forward on mobile.
Data transparency
Q: What does Discord do with the personal account details that I add to Connections?
A: We are storing this information to display on your profile and verify yourself for roles in servers. This information is stored securely within our databases, and will never be shared externally with third-parties without your explicit permission.
Q: Does Discord sell my data from Connections to third parties?
A: No.
Q: How often are Connections details refreshed?
A: Discord automatically refreshes the details from your Connections on a recurring basis. However, you can also force refresh by clicking “Refresh” in the Connections tab in User Settings.
Q: I’ve added my Steam account to Connections, but why don’t I see any of my game data?
A: Discord can only see your information that is public. If you want this information to be available in Discord, you need to go into your Steam account settings and make your profile public.
Q: Is visibility default on or off for Connections?
A: Visibility is default on for most Connections, except for Connections that tend to be associated with users’ real names (eg. Facebook, Spotify). You can update your visibility for Connections or Connection details in Settings > Connections.
Q: Do my Connections or Connection details need to be visible in order to qualify for a role that checks Connection details?
A: No. You can opt to hide your Connection or Connection details but still be eligible for any roles that require those Connection details.