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438 comentários

  • srizzalox

    Good Idea.

  • Silence

    Good idea, what about google play music or whatever that's called?

  • FogesTV


  • Frikandel

    This would be pretty difficult to add, since as far as I know Spotify is the only streaming site that has an advanced API like this.

    The streaming service needs to have an API that allows Discord to start songs remotely and see the song status. Without an API like that its simply not possible for Discord to implement that service.

  • david2050 [Br]

    Please!! +1+1+1+1

  • chickenslips

    Need discord badly on ps4

  • hwiseonga

    There is one reason discord will not be possible on the switch for now. 😭 Nintendo switch online provides voicechat (which is trash) and if they agree to bring discord on the switch, well um it will either be exclusive to online owners or leave the NS online service useless which is definitely not what Nintendo wants as a company. This sucks but I would still pay money just to use discord on the switch so, please just make this happen??

  • fl00d3d

    Has anyone from the Discord Team reached out to Sony?  If so, what was their response?  If not, would you be willing to do this on behalf of your users?

  • s.a.d.


  • criptixo

    totally agreed there is a lot of programmers on discord

  • Frenzyay

    i dont think skype have a chance, but the others are great idea

  • Zacatero
    I do like the idea of more connections, but idk if ditching youtube is the best idea
  • DaSpood

    While there are problems with youtube, it's still the most used platform online. I'm sure all 5 vimeo users would love to link their account with discord but this does not sound like a useful feature for the vast majority of discord users.

  • Tikupra

    I agree whole heartedly, it would be nice to have it as a Connection rather than just cluttering up one's name with it, or having to work-around the Game display to display it there.

  • Filter

    Up! +1

  • IceBreaker470

    Plz add soundcloud cuz i dont use spotify.

  • Sargent snuggles

    We need it to be able to have a discord PSN account connections like they do with xbox this would make us PS4 players more noticeable and funner with discord and especially for people who use mobile and this will make everything much better with this

  • mae

    you can contact sony, communication goes both ways. you should be wanting your product to be affiliated with sony, not the other way around. it would benefit a lot to be able to have the same features as PC and xbox users, and be fair.


    The idea itself is really good, but there's one problem: Discord is (in comparison) a pretty small company, and Nintendo is a giant company. It would take a long time for Nintendo to respond to Discord for a "collaboration" like this.

  • Xelling

    Spotify has a Partnership and License agreement with Discord itself, Soundcloud brings issues with Creative Commons Policy's and Terms of usage for Copyright as anyone can upload almost anything to it with no major restrictions on copyright except for Soundcloud Premium.

    Just because one may have a partnership with Discord from creating content on Soundcloud does NOT mean everyone does in a sense, and yes It is listed for the Partnership application, But that is for official content agreements not an widespread level of content. - Alongside most would need an advanced API update.

    This may also apply for other applications and online media services that revolve around non-restricted content uploading, It may also not apply for some.

  • Srzh

    FFS Discord enable embedding of Vimeo videos!

  • BeauBauer

    I agree. That would be nice to see. 

  • Berdy

    Any chance that would happen anytime soon?

  • Ingdroide99


  • RPS1222

    That would be cool, but maybe it could also do videos as well?

  • 4 The love 3 of god

    Instagram please

  • Alphantom

    I would like my friends to see when I'm on Ps4, and it would cool also if they could see what I'm watching on Netflix, and see my insta

  • Serum

    I agree too I own a gaming community that has a website and I would like to get people to join it.

  • AccussedHero

    The ability to add psn would benefit alot of people... ADD PSN 👌🏻👍🏻👌🏻👍🏻😎

  • Armando

    God Idea!!


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