Our goal from the start was to bring people closer to their favorite communities. With Server Discovery, you can find new communities with ease!
Please note that only Community Servers are eligible to be on our Server Discovery list.
What this article covers:
Server Discovery Tab
To access Server Discovery, press the Compass icon at the bottom of the server list (on the left side bar). It will look something like this:
Now that you’re on the Server Discovery page you can search for new communities by browsing by categories, or by directly searching with the search bar.
Browsing New Categories
If you’re not quite sure what kind of community you’re looking for, you can start off by browsing by category and looking at some of the most popular community servers on Discord.
You’ll be able to click on the different category names in the left sidebar to start exploring.
Here’s a list of our currently available categories for Community Servers on Discord that you can explore:
- Gaming
- Music
- Education
- Science & Tech
- Entertainment
- Student Hubs
Searching For New Communities
If you know exactly what kind of communities you’re looking for, you can directly type in keywords into the Discovery Search bar.
Once you’ve input your keyword, press the “Enter” key to see if there’s a community that shares your interest.
The Server Discovery tab will then show you a list of all servers that match your search term, and you’ll be able to begin exploring servers from there!
To get a sneak peek of how people are expressing themselves within the server, you’ll also be able to see the five most recently used custom emoji within the server as well.
To help you find servers that are most relevant and interesting to you, you might see personalized server recommendations based on your activity, interests, friends, and more.
Learn More Before Joining
Still a bit shy? No worries, we got you! With Lurker Mode, you can learn more about the community before deciding whether you’d like to join!
You’ll be able to look around and check out the different public channels to visitors that the server has to offer without officially being a server member.
In this mode, when you click on a server in the Server Discovery tab, you won’t fully join the server, and you’ll only see the server temporarily show up in your Server List.
If you’re unsure about joining the server, once you press the “Back” button, you’ll return to the Server Discovery tab and the server you visited will be removed from your Server List it’ll be as if you were never there!
Once you feel ready to join the server, just press the Join button at the top of your screen and you will officially be one with the community.