There are some error messages that you might notice when trying to log in or register an account through an email address. Let’s go over those cases and what to do if you’re experiencing those specific errors!
What this article covers:
Email is Already Registered
The system only allows for one email address to be tied to an account, this means you cannot have multiple Discord accounts that are associated with one email address.
If you try to register an email address with an account and you receive the error message, “Email is Already Registered”, this means there’s another Discord account with this email address already. In that case, please try logging into the account instead of trying to register a new one!
If you suspect you might have created an accidental account you can refer to this article for further steps on how to proceed.
Email Does Not Exist
If you are trying to log into an account using your email address and you’re receiving the error message “Email does not exist”, this means that the email address you are entering is not registered with a Discord account.
Please double-check the spelling and if it’s still not working, please try another email address to log in or your phone number if it was tied to your account.
If you’re still having trouble logging into your account, please reach out to our Support team for further assistance: