Suggestion: For macOS and iOS, enable Discord to synchronise with macOS's system wide Light/Dark Mode
As of macOS Mojave and recently iOS 13, many apps has allowed user to sync Light/Dark Mode with system preference, and power user can use third-party apps to switch Light/Dark Mode based on Sunrise/Sunset or at certain times.
And with the newest redesign of Light Mode (Which btw, kudos to everyone @Discord! I really liked it!) I think it's fitting to allow users to at least be able to automatically change the Mode based on system preference and/or time frame.
I hope you guys might check on this idea and give it a go, cheers!
This is especially important for macOS Catalina, which adds automatic light/dark mode switching. This is about to become a pain point for almost every macOS user who uses the automatic setting. With Mojave, most people would pick their preferred theme once in the OS and once in Discord. With Catalina, the OS theme changes frequently without manual intervention, and Discord sticks out like a sore thumb when it doesn't respect the OS theme.
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The same goes for Windows 10 light/dark mode- It'd be great if Discord could detect the OS light/dark state and mirror that. (The web browser Brave can do this on w10, so it's definitely possible.)
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It looks like the iOS app now has automatic switching. I hope this is in the pipeline for the desktop app.
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I'd love to see this as well! Is there any public roadmap available?
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This is available on iOS now. But I would love to see it added to the macOS and Windows apps as well. I have my dark mode set to automatic in iOS and macOS. Pretty much all my apps change with the system settings, Discord I have to go in and change it manually so all apps have a consistent theme.
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This is an Android system feature now as well. This feature should come to Windows app and Android. Tired of switching to dark mode when I game at night and back to light mode the next day on my phone/work laptop. Those settings also shouldn't be synced to my account, and rather saved at the app level per-platform.
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Hopefully this is still planned, I use automatic theme switching based on time of day, and it's a pain to manually switch discord from light to dark and vice versa on my desktop every day, while it works fine on iOS.
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I hope this is added soon too. It's the only app left that I use daily that doesn't allow changing the theme automatically based off macOS theme setting. 🙏
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This is from the Electron docs.
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This should be really trivial to implement. I hope this gets added soon!
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Is this being worked on? It's by far the biggest pain in the bum with Discord and I'd love to see it get fixed.
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Its hard to believe this isn't here yet, even slack which took forever to implement has this now. It's an expectation for daily use applications even if dark mode is more popular.
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I'm hoping for this to be fixed soon as most apps have this feature already.
I believe this shouldn't be too difficult as electron already supports this:
Here is a list of some other people requesting the same feature: -
Thank you, I followed and upvoted every single one of those.
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Yay, it's fixed now :D
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It's fixed on the Canary (early-access) channel, for those confused by the above, so it will come to the release channel soon.
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Seems to be available GA / Stable branch
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